Associated Builders and Contractors of Iowa

Associated Builders and Contractors of Iowa


Organizations/AssociationsBusiness Services/ConsultantsBusiness Services/TrainingContractors/CommercialContractors/Sub-ContractorsEducation/Cognitive Skills TrainingEducation/PrivateOrganizations/Non-Profit

About Us

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Iowa is a non-profit construction trade association that fosters the principles of freedom of choice through the merit construction philosophy. That’s our mission, and it’s one that we work hard to achieve through the projects of the member construction firms across Iowa. Merit contractors and ABC are dedicated to providing Iowa with high-quality, low-cost, safe, on-time construction.

ABC members build commercial buildings, industrial plants, municipal and public works projects, roads and highways, homes, and provide a wide array of construction services.

Through innovative programs, ABC of Iowa and its member contractors are:

- Creating more work opportunities
- Providing more jobs and reducing unemployment
- Implementing innovative technology and ideas
- using new tools, methods, and materials to enhance quality and safety
- Building 75% of today’s industrial, commercial and institutional construction
- Stimulating economic growth
- Training future workers through an apprenticeship program accredited by the Department of Labor
- Preparing young people for a successful construction career through the School-to-Career (STC) program
- Creating a marketplace built on the free enterprise system


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Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Nicole Berger
Membership Director
Ginny Shindelar
V.P. of Education
Greg Spenner