Hy-Vee - Urbandale

Hy-Vee - Urbandale


Food-Beverage/GrocersCleaning-Maintenance/Dry CleaningFood-Beverage/CateringHealth Care/PharmaciesRestaurantsRestaurants - CateringRestaurants - ChineseRestaurants - DeliRestaurants - PizzaRetail-Shops-Stores/Florists

About Us

Hy-Vee is synonymous with quality, variety, convenience, healthy lifestyles, culinary expertise and superior customer service. Its slogan, ''A Helpful Smile in Every Aisle,'' expresses the foundation of the company's operating philosophy.

Rep/Contact Info

Jake Heston
Store Manager
Chase Mick
Manager of Store Operations
Lily Stamer
HR Manager
Aaron Ward
HR Recruiting Specialist
Genevieve Whitten